Maintenance Responsibilities at Brookside
Maintenance Responsibilities of the Community Association and the Homeowner

This chart is meant only to summarize responsibilities for maintenance costs at Brookside.  It is not to be considered exhaustive, but merely a general guideline.

Some costs are solely the responsibility of the Brookside Community Association (BCA), some are solely the responsibility of the homeowners, some are shared.

Brookside Community Association (BCA) is the ultimate arbiter of whether a repair or replacement is necessary when BCA funds are involved.

Alterations to landscaping or to the exteriors of buildings are subject to approval by the BCA Grounds or Architectural Control Committees.

Brookside responsibilities 9-22-2023 Printable Version

Living Units  Brookside Community Association (BCA) Homeowner
Exterior Maintenance




Moss removed, shingles replaced  
One-third of cost paid Two-thirds of cost paid by Owner
Siding Damage repaired, stained every twelve years  
Trim Damage repaired, stained every six years  
Decks Repairs Annual inspection  
Minor repairs paid when stained, up to $500 Balance over $500 paid by Owner
Replacement Stained every three years  
Pays up to $1,000 Balance over $1,000 paid by Owner



Repairs or replacement

Outsides washed annually  
  Owner’s expense, no matter the cause
Doors, Garage Doors


Repairs or replacement


  Owner’s expense
Included with staining of siding every 12 years if needed  
Gutters, Downspouts


Repairs or replacement


BCA’s responsibility  
Annually on East End, semiannually on West End  
Brickwork Cleaned, repaired  
Front Porches, Stoops Repaired  
Privacy Screens (Part of Deck) Stained every 6 years; See Deck Repairs/Replacement) See Deck Repairs/Replacement
Privacy Screens (Not Part of Deck) Stained every 6 years, repaired or replaced  
Skylights   Repaired, Replaced or Removed
Outdoor faucets/lights Lights Repaired Faucets owner’s expense
Sidewalks Repaired  
Attics Wire mesh installed in vents  
Utility Corrals Routine staining and repairs Owner’s expense, if caused by bears attracted to trash
Interior Maintenance   Owner’s expense


Common Areas, including entrance, east side berm, T area, water features    
Lawn maintenance Mowed, fertilized, watered  
Tree maintenance Trimmed, leaf cleanup, pest control  
Tree removal, replacement If damaged or causing damage If requested by Owner and Grounds Committee approves
Shrub maintenance, removal,      replacement Trimmed, maintained If requested by Owner and Grounds Committee approves
Flowers in common areas Watered, maintained  
Narrow Perimeter around Living Units    
Shrubs/Trees Trimmed, watered, replaced


BCA controls design

Flowers   May be added at Owner’s expense, with Owner responsible for weeding and watering from the Living Unit’s faucets
Deck Flower Pots   Owner’s expense; must be watered from Living Unit’s faucets, not Brookside’s irrigation drip lines


Streets, driveways, sidewalks, paths, mail boxes, bridges Maintained, snow removed  
Irrigation systems Maintained  
Utility hookups BCA granted easement for installation  
Gas, electric, phone, cable Maintained by private utility companies Monthly user fees are Owner’s expense
Storm water system Maintained  
Missoula City water, sewer service lines Repaired  if damaged Monthly user fees are Owner’s expense

Brookside                                                                                                  Homeowner

Covers from the studs outward, and electrical, Covers from the sheetrock inward, entire interior
mechanical and plumbing inside the exterior walls and personal contents